The New World of Virtual Events
How do you get the best out of them?
2020 has been a year of change for everyone, not only in the way we live our lives but also in the manner we conduct business. Face-to-face meetings have moved to virtual conversations via Zoom or Microsoft Teams; traveling to the office is no longer a matter of getting in a car, but instead commuting from the bedroom to the spare room. Similarly, attending events around the globe to meet with potential customers/partners/the media or to speak on panel discussions is as easy as lifting the lid on your laptop at a kitchen table. Is this the new norm? Will we ever get back to meeting with people face-to-face? Regardless of what we believe the future will look like 12 months from now, the virtual world we find ourselves operating in is here to stay for the foreseeable future. This means that we must confront it with solutions, not hide behind the consequences.
What opportunities do virtual events provide us?
No matter what industry you are in, all of the events you had in your calendar will likely have been either postponed or turned into virtual events. The questions that arise from this include: should I take part? How do I take part? What will I get out of this?
At Kredo, we work with a variety of digital tools and technologies every day for our clients. From virtual media webinars to podcasts and virtual events, it is all about providing the audience with easy to understand, easy to access content. This is especially the case with virtual events. When reviewing what the event has to offer, think about your answers to the following questions:
Is the virtual event being targeted at the right audience for my business?
What packages are on offer based on my requirements?
What speaker slots are available, and in what topic areas?
How are the event organisers promoting the event, and to whom?
What content assets do I receive?
What opportunities are available for data capture?
How do the data capture elements work?
What other lead generation opportunities are on offer?
How can Kredo help you?
Content is what we do; it is what we develop and deliver on a daily basis, whether in print or digital modes. Virtual media tours and webinars, virtual events, videos, podcasts – all require targeted content and messaging to pique the interest of your target audiences.
The team at Kredo is working with companies in the medical device, aerospace, defence, and transport sectors around a wide variety of virtual events. Using tools including white papers for click baits, videos, podcasts, product marketing assets, social media, and content for speaker slots, the Kredo team are developing the entire suite of marketing materials to not only enhance brand recognition but also to increase the opportunity for collecting data – the prime reason for getting involved in a virtual event.
In addition, the often-forgotten media relations aspect of virtual events should not be ignored. The media, like everyone else, have been impacted by the lack of face-to-face events, so every virtual event should be used as an opportunity to target relevant media with your news. This is an area of expertise for Kredo. We have done numerous media webinars and media tours with very strong results.
Would you like to find out more? If you are exhibiting at a virtual event, or are thinking about doing so, drop us an email using the button below.